Laurie Gervais

Since 1983, Laurie Gervais has been employed with the Regina Fire Department as a dedicated firefighter working to project lives. During his years of firefighting, Laurie has gone through extensive training and obtained certification in various rescue techniques. From 1988 to 1992, he became a member of both the Saskatchewan and Canadian International Rescue teams where he volunteered to serve emergency and response relief globally. Laurie’s continual and active involvement in his career has also provided him with the opportunity to serve as an Acting Officer since 2007. Within that time-period he has served as the Lieutenant for three years and is currently serving as a Captain since 2012.

In addition to his extensive firefighting training and experience, Laurie has a strong business background. His business management experience extends from his involvement in managing the operations of First Nations concrete from 2003 to 2006. This unique combination of skills, along with his passion to share his first responders skills and vast knowledge with Saskatchewan residents, while having a positive impact on the Province’s First Nations communities, will provide the leadership necessary for L&G Fire Safety & Wellness to educate Saskatchewan’s First Nations communities in firefighting and rescue.

Lorna Flett

Ms. Lorna Flett is a certified Specimen Collector, Alcohol Screening Testing Technician providing drug and alcohol testing. She is also a trained Health & Safety Administrator. Her services are certified by the Construction Safety Association, the U.S. Department of Transportation (D.O.T.) and the Drug and Alcohol Testing Association of Canada (DATAC).

Specifically, her services include D.O.T. and non D.O.T. drug and alcohol testing on a mobile basis. She uses Health Canada approved screening equipment and follows certified testing protocols and procedures. The collection service integrates every element of the clients testing needs, including collections, lab services, results, reporting and every step in between.